December 2, 2012

Second hand shelter for winter winds

I think I've mentioned it before: a thrift store tour in Mikkeli is rarely a lost errand. Last time I found this brown leather jacket with fur hood. I really like how the leather is worn in places. Usually when you see these kind of loose fit vintage jackets in flea markets the size is 42 or up. So I was lucky to find this one in 36.

Ok, winter, bring it on!


  1. I LOVE THAT COAT!!!!!! oon etsiny just tollasta. munki varmaa pitää seuraavalla mikkelin reissulla käydä kirpparilla. aivan mahtava!!

  2. Thx! :) Suosittelen, sieltä kyl harvoin lähtee tyhjin käsin. Etenkin Reaalikirpparilla on kävelly helmiä vastaan.
