Happy 2013, folks!
What have I been posting about lately... more baking, less outfits (more baking -> less outfits fit). :) Oh well, fortunately the situation is not too bad after the holidays, but you can definitely tell the difference of how you feel after even a small break from exercising and simultaneously eating whatever you hand reaches first. Most often chocolate...
And what I do is share this super unhealthy caloriebomb with you: gingerbread cake pops with coconut and mint chocolate topping. Nice, huh? :) Actually these are something I made for Christmas, but ran out of time to post about. So let's make them winter cake pops instead. And if you are slimming down for now, you can always try them in February!
(This is my own variation of cake pops recipes I've tried so far.)
350 g gingerbreads
100 g cream cheese
200-300 g white chocolate
coconut flakes
mint chocolate (I used Marianne flavoured Kismet bar I found in my sister's kitchen)
1. Crumble the gingerbreads into small bits and mix with cream cheese. Roll small balls and put in fridge for about 1 hour.
2. Melt the chocolate. Dip the other end of a stick in chocolate before sticking it into a ball. Roll in chocolate and sprinkle coconut flakes or crumbled mint chocolate on top.
Hei, ihanan talvisia kakkutikkareita. Täällä tehtiin ekaa kertaa ever cake popseja uutena vuotena ja olivat kyllä varsinainen yleisömenestys (blogista löytyy kuvakin) :) Suussa sulavia ja tuli vähän "hävikistä herkuksi" -ideologiaakin mukaan kun alun perin olin tekemässä kuivakakkua joka epäonnistui ja käytin sen pohjan sitten cake pops-aineksiksi.
ReplyDeleteJuu, kävin kurkkaamassa! Helppo ja kiva herkku, tycker jag! :)
Deletemoikkas. mä laitan sun linkin mun blogilistalle. pysyy helpommi perässä :) nähään silloin 22 p!
ReplyDeleteJee :). Paitsi 1. päivä siis!
DeleteSiis joo. Nuppi pimee :)